1039 – 1067 Rest Acres Road

The signs on the 403 coming in from Hamilton in one direction or from Woodstock in the other direction say take the Highway 24, Rest Acres Road cut off (just west of Brantford) and go north to get to Paris, Ontario.

If you are travelling north on Rest Acres Road, you will soon see the recently completed “Brant Sports Complex” at 944 Powerline Road. It is an imposing structure on the right hand side which will be impossible to miss. You will also see that a new roundabout has gone in.

There will also be other things to see. You will see a plethora of new home builder’s signs in all shapes and colors saying, “coming soon” and builder’s sales trailers and colorful builder’s flag. Everyone is welcome to stop in and sign up. You will also see yellow “Caterpillar” earth scrapers sitting in small cleared out sections of corn fields just waiting to be put into action. It all makes for interesting times.

Many developers have been delayed for years and years by the process of having to get all their approvals in place. “The Grand River Conservation Authority” and the “Ministry of Natural Resources” needed to be dealt with. Tough decisions from a planning/design and build perspective had to be made. The “Brantford Expositor” chronicled many of the delays and wrote many articles about new homeowners who were often left in a state of limbo. Some people sold and closed on their existing houses only to be told that their new dream homes were still years away from completion. For many buyers, things seemed to drag on for a far too long period of time.

Paris is growing! Watch for this #14 link to be replaced by more news on more brand new freehold townhouses and condos coming soon.