1-9 George Street

Age 100 years plus, registered as condos in 2016

7 units plus main floor retail condo units

2018 no MLS sales

2017 1 MLS sale

2016 no MLS sales

2015 average price $473,000 based on 5 MLS sales

These condos have main street exposure. The building has a 1-9 George Street address yet actually faces directly onto Downie Street. Views across the street to the northeast are of the Avon Theatre at 99 Downie Street.

The building was totally gutted and refurbished in 2016-2018. There are four condos on the second floor and three condos on the third floor. There is an elevator and an attractive set of wide stairs for those who like a little exercise.

The building has controlled access, open concept interiors with exposed brick and beams. It has on demand hot water systems and loft bedrooms with sliding glass doors to sixteen-foot balconies. This project was well received by the market.

Our pictures include the Avon Theatre across the street.