East, Northeast

East Stratford

East Stratford is home to Stratford’s lion share of hotels, franchised restaurants, a WalMart and a “samsonite” retail outlet store. It is where people do their shopping.

It is actually an area entirely void of condo complex offerings with the exception of two condo complexes on Avonwood Drive. If you work in this area, these are condos worth considering.

North East Stratford

Romeo Street North is a street name that you will get to know quickly if you start to search for Stratford condos. In your journey, you will most likely drive by “Confederation Park”, “Gallery Stratford” and the “Stratford Country Club and Golf Course”. *

One of the perks of living in this neighbourhood is that you are close to the walking areas and the areas of greenery provided by “North Shore Park”. It is also a neighbourhood surprisingly void of retail activities. No variety stores, restaurants, gas stations or fast food outlets. That’s a good thing.

Expect to spend some time searching out all of the condos in this area. Take a Timmies with you!!

The “Gallery Stratford” is located at 54 Romeo Street South. This “Queen Anne Style” structure is flanked by wonderful clusters of mature trees and areas of extensive greenery. It sits near the Avon River and was built in 1883 as a “pump house”. In 1964, this building was deemed to be obsolete and in 1967 financial acking came from “Rothmans Pall Mall of Canada Limited” to renovate this structure and to convert it into the “Rothman Art Gallery”. Then in 1974, the sponsorship was withdrawn and the building was renamed “Gallery Stratford”.

* The second landmark structure in East North East Stratford is the “Stratford Country Club and Golf Course” at 53 Romeo Street North. It is slightly north and almost across the street from “Gallery Stratford”. This is a semi-private club with curling and squash courts first built in 1914. The greenery on this course can be seen from Romeo Street.