55 Harrison Street

# of units – 42

Built 2013-2017

Registered as condos 2014

Average “MLS” selling price 2018

$411,700 based on 3 “MLS” sales

Average “MLS” selling price 2017

$360,100 based on 6 “MLS” sales

Average “MLS” selling price 2016

$319,200 based on 4 “MLS” sales

* Base prices in 2014 were $292,500 based on 4 reported “MLS” sales

“Freura Homes” of Kitchener built. This project was finished out in 2018 after five years of construction. Many of the units were sold to out-of-town retirees who were happy to find something new to live in. Ten percent of the people living here are aged 65-71 range and 11% 75 and older.

These are two storey 1529 and 1638 sq ft single car garage townhomes with brick, stone and vinyl exteriors. An end of a quiet cul-de-sac location backing onto a partially treed area and a small creek. Near the entranceway is a community park called “The Fields Park”. Many units enjoy lower level walkouts with western exposures.

This is an edge of the city location which over the next twenty years will see more residential development. The Stratford Golf and Country Club is only a five minute drive away.