1-24 Davidson Drive

Neighbourhood “Avon Ward”

Built 2014-2015

# Units – 24

Average “MLS” selling price 2018

$370,000 based on 2 “MLS” sales

Average “MLS” selling price 2017

$371,000 based on 2 “MLS” sales

Average Price Range when brand new in 2015

$217,800 – $258,900

Freeholds built in clusters. The neighbouring streets are of more expensive single family homes like Bradshaw Drive, Fraser Drive and Foreman Avenue.

Walking distance to Stratford Northwestern Secondary School and St. Michael Catholic Secondary School.

Brick, stone and vinyl exteriors with some units having extra front bricking. Exterior side walls also of brick and stone.

Covered front entranceways of different designs. 1.5 car garage. Open concept kitchen and living room areas. Unit sizes vary ata 1431, 1550 and 1589 square feet. Streetlights and sidewalks on each side of the street.

In this neighbourhood, 91% of the housing stock are single family homes with 84% being owner occupied and 16% being rented. Open spaces to the east going over to the “Stratford Rotary Complex” are now being serviced for residential development.

This area of Stratford is growing.