10-40 Hyde Park

Neighbourhood “Stratford”

Built 2001-2002

# Units – 26

Freeholds – No Condo Fees

Average MLS selling price 2018

No MLS sales

Average MLS selling price 2017

sample size (1) too small to report

The entire address is 10-20, 24-40, 11-21, 25-35 Hyde Park Road. To the immediate west is the “Stratford Fire Station #2” and beyond that the “McCarthy Place Retirement Residence” and the new “Stratford Rotary Complex”. This entire area borders on the northern outskirts of the city. Mornington Street next door to the east goes northeast and turns into Highway 119 which then goes off into the direction of Listowel, Palmerston, Arthur, Orangeville and Shelburne.

These are 1,400 square feet freeholds built in two clusters of four units and three clusters of six units.

“Hyde Construction” built. No condo fees!

Typical lot size of 20 x 121 or 20 x 162 feet. Some rear yards are fenced.

These units have brick and vinyl exteriors, covered front porches, single car garages and three upper bedrooms The master bedroom has slightly vaulted ceilings. At the end of the current street, there are semi’s of a similar age and appearance which help to add to the continuity of the neighbourhood.

When available, many buyers find value with these offerings. “Hyde Construction” has a history of building similarly styled units around town.