50 Galt Road


Built 2010-2017

# Units – 80

Average “MLS” selling price 2018

$410,000 based on 2 “MLS” sales

Average “MLS” selling price 2017

$358,500 based on 4 “MLS” sales

“West Village of Stratford”

This complex may be a little bit difficult to find. Galt Road runs parallel to Huron Street and it is only two blocks long. One end of it starts at O’Loane Avenue which is close to the city’s northwest boundaries and the other end starts at Matilda Street which is two blocks away from the intersection of Huron Street and O’Loane Avenue.

There is something more about this 50 Galt Road address which further adds to the initial confusion. The complex is named after the physical location of this address on this street (neighbouring properties on Galt Road have the addresses 36 and 56), however, once you pull into the complex, you will discover that these condos are actually built on McCann Drive and Marshall Court.

If you are trying to discover for the first time, just be prepared to be a little bit patient. We also note that other cities around the world also make use of the wording “West Village”.

This complex consists of units 1-8, 9-37, 38-43, 44-49, 50-55, 2-14, 56-63, 64-70 McCann Blvd. And units 15-23, 24-33 and 50-71 Marshall Court. During it’s extended construction period, it was built on an “as needed” basis and it was during this time period, the largest new condo projects were on the go in the City of Stratford.

Brick and brown stone exteriors built in clusters of 4, 6, 7 , 8, 9 and 10 units. A one plus one bedroom design with vaulted ceilings and an upper open area with a railing overlooking the living room are down below. Skylights, single car garages and covered front porches. Unit sizes are in the 1545 sq ft range.

The units on the east side of McCann Blvd. have elevated rear decks while the units on the west side of the street (laneway), units 164-186, have lower level rear walkouts and a double set of rear decks. See our pictures.

The design of the units on Marshall Court are slightly different with some units having elevated rear decks while others have ground level rear decks. This complex has three areas of visitors parking.

To the immediate north at the end of McCann Drive are outdoor tennis courts, baseball diamonds and football and soccer fields. Much of this area is open space around the “Stratford Educational Recreational Centre”. This feature of open space works well for many people.

Now for an observation about pricings. In the early stages of constructing this complex (2011-2014) early buyers did not necessarily get discounted pricings on their purchases. Typical prices paid in the 2011-2014 period of time were in the $280,000 – $290,000 price range. In 2015-2018 period of time, prices were in the $316,000-$359,000 price range. Given what has happened with real estate prices in general across Southwestern Ontario during all of this period of time, these price increases are to be expected.

In this neighbourhood, 84% own and 16% rent. 17% of the population is between the age of 55-64, 8% between 65-74 and 6% of the population is 75 and older. The Stratford General Hospital is only about 15 blocks away.