South, Southwest

South Stratford

This is an area of the city largely home to worker’s houses, many of which are over sixty years old. It’s also an area which in recent times has been noticeably void of new construction starts.

Stratford at one time was a major hub for the locomotive repair industry and a major producer of fine furniture. Today South Stratford is an area with a mix of uses including residential, light industrial and commercial activities. The “Borden Street Condos” are the only condos in this area of the city.

South-West Stratford

If you look at a map of the city of Stratford you will see that this area makes up a large portion of the city. Surprisingly it is largely void of condos except for the ones on Dufferin Street, Athlone Crescent and John Street.

Like with South Stratford there are many pockets of older homes however, there are also several subdivisions built between 1990 and 2005.

Often asked is the question as to how strong is the economic base of Stratford. Stratford is part of the “Stratford-Bruce Peninsula Economic Region” and the unemployment rates here are currently some of the lowest in the province.

A Bruce Power Plant Partnership began work on a project that will create and sustain an average of 825 jobs annually over the next fifteen years! Stratford enjoys a strong and vibrant economic base.